CybTouch 8 PS

CybTouch 8 PS is specifically developed for synchronized press-brakes.

As part of the CybTouch range, it has an intuitive and vivid color touch screen and a high integration of functions. Thanks to its interactive touch software interface with large keys, on-line help, and many other automatic functions that constantly guide the operator, CybTouch 8 is as simple as a positioner control.

CybTouch 8 comes with a robust, modern and streamlined housing specially designed to be mounted on an arm.

We offer two models:

Available in housing or panel design


All CybTouch come with CybTouchTools, which allows to wirelessly transferring data between a PC and CybTouch (requires optional RFLink USB key). It is used to backup/restore machine parameters, tools and parts, as well as updating the software.

PC Offline Software

We supply the same universal PC offline software for all CybTouch, VisiPac and VisiTouch controls.

OFT – VST – 2 PC offline software VisiTouch (2D)

OFT – VST – MX PC offline software VisiTouch MX (3D)

OFT – VST – MXIMP PC offline software VisiTouch MX including import of DXF/DWG, IGES, STEP, SAT and X_T

All three above PC offline software allow transferring tools and programs to CybTouch 8PS, 12PS, 15PS, VisiPac and VisiTouch controls.

PC offline software VisiTouch now offers the possibility to program parts for several press brakes (multi-machines functionality).